Free Fire Update June 2024: 7th anniversary theme with nostalgic Mini Peak

Check out the Free Fire June 2024 update with the 7th anniversary theme. Discover the nostalgic Mini Peak and all the new features that await players.
Free Fire Update June 2024: 7th anniversary theme with nostalgic Mini Peak

Ronny Rolim

The long-awaited Free Fire June 2024 update is about to be released, bringing a series of exciting new features for players. With the Free Fire 7th anniversary theme, this update promises a lot of nostalgia and fun. The big news is Mini Peak , a small floating island that will bring many surprises and challenges.

7th Anniversary Special Event: Mini Peak

The Free Fire June 2024 update, scheduled for the 26th, introduces a special event in celebration of the game's 7th anniversary. Mini Peak is a floating island that appears in the skies of every map, offering exciting battles and powerful rewards. To access this island, players must use Memory Portals , memory portals spread across the map.

How does Mini Peak work?

During each match, up to four Memory Portals will be available simultaneously. Each portal can send a team to Mini Peak and will close after 300 seconds. Portal locations and closing timers will be displayed on the minimap, making it easier for players to navigate.

Battles on Mini Peak

At Mini Peak, all players will be equipped with an Ice Wall and the M1887 Nostalgica weapon. The mission is to accumulate Memory Points by eliminating enemies or destroying gift boxes scattered around the island. Each kill or destroyed crate grants points that can be used to unlock the Hall of Honor and exchange for nostalgic weapons and other resources.

Hall of Honor

After accumulating a certain number of Memory Points, players will be able to access the Hall of Honor. Inside the hall, it is possible to exchange accumulated points for powerful nostalgic items and weapons. Additionally, there are portals within the hall that allow players to return to the main game using gliders, increasing their chances of being the last one standing.

Impact of the Free Fire Update

New character Kassie is part of the new Free Fire update
New character Kassie is part of the new Free Fire update

This June 2024 Free Fire update not only celebrates the game's 7th anniversary, but also enriches players' experience with nostalgic and innovative elements. The inclusion of Mini Peak offers a unique gameplay dynamic, encouraging players to explore new strategies and forms of combat.

New Strategies and Mechanics

With the addition of the Portals of Memories and Mini Peak , players will need to develop new strategies to dominate the floating island and make the most of the available rewards. The introduction of the M1887 Nostalgica and Ice Walls as standard equipment in Mini Peak adds a layer of challenge and innovation to gameplay.

Rewards and Benefits

In addition to the new game mechanics, the Free Fire update also brings exclusive rewards for players who excel in Mini Peak. The nostalgic weapons and powerful items available in the Hall of Honor are a huge draw, offering a significant advantage in Battle Royale battles.

Upgrade Preparations

With the Free Fire update scheduled for June 26, 2024, players should prepare to make the most of the new features. Be sure to update the game and explore all new features as soon as they become available. Taking part in the 7th anniversary event is a unique opportunity to relive classic moments and achieve new victories.


The Free Fire June 2024 update marks a special moment in the game's history, celebrating its 7th anniversary with the exciting Mini Peak event. Players will have the chance to explore a new dimension of battle, rack up incredible rewards, and relive the nostalgia that makes Free Fire so beloved. Get ready for this epic adventure and don't miss any of the new features!